At International Business Consulting, we bring together a passionate community of students who share a common interest in international business strategy, cross-cultural management, and sustainable global development. Our mission is to empower future business leaders with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the complexities of the global marketplace. As a club, our three primary goals include professional development, creating community, and providing hands-on experiences.

About Us

All of our members go through a 6-week intensive new member development program covering full covering the basics from resumes and cover letters to more advanced skills such as technical interviews and case studies. In addition, there will be many opportunities to practice public speaking and networking. Our program ensures a well-rounded skill set, crucial for success in the dynamic field of consulting.

Professional Development


Within IBC, we provide a warm environment to welcome new members. We get to know each other through coffee chats, group projects, and social events. Our graduates also stay in touch, providing mentorship within their respective fields. In addition, our network extends to strengthen our bond with our clients to provide better results and continued projects.

Semester long projects with real clients doing real work provide an excellent opportunity to practice and refine the skills gained from professional development. Direct contact with high level members of the businesses we interact with provide valuable insight on how the industry operates and feedback on our work. Projects can range from marketing and consulting to finance and entrepreneurship. 

Hands-on Experience